Educator, Gardener, Certified Holistic Nutritionist
Judy DeJosia

Growing With Food
Thanks for stopping by and visiting my site.
Plant it! Cook it! Eat it! Three steps to a healthier and more abundant life. I am passionate about growing food, cooking food, and teaching others about growing food. Exploring the world of food, and the amazing people I meet along the way, continues to be an explosive catalyst for change in my life and for my personal growth.
I will be sharing my gardening and cooking adventures with you.
This includes the planning and planting of new gardens, harvesting, cooking, and meeting amazing people who are Growing With Food, too.

Presto - Pesto...
It's EASY!
Pesto will transform simple dishes into something special! You only need a few simple ingredients, and a food processor helps too.
The combinations are limitless!
Pesto also freezes well, so all of the goodness of fresh herbs and greens can be enjoyed all winter long.
Click the link below to read more and to get some easy and delicious pesto recipes.

ABOUT Growing With Food

Continuing to Grow With Food...
What is Growing With Food all about? It’s about accepting ourselves wherever we are and developing an understanding that we can grow, develop and change our whole lives through our relationship with food. Wherever we are, we can always learn more and do more to be better and healthier. For me, gardening is the platform for my journey. I will be sharing my gardening adventures with you - the planning, planting, harvesting, cooking, and the struggles and solutions I discover along the way.
Growing With Food also features interesting people involved with food in one way or another. This includes people who are working on their organic farms, creating beautiful gardens, cooking healthy and delicious food, designing works of art, or increasing understanding by celebrating with others. Just by exploring even a small part of how these people are growing with food, and hearing their stories, our understanding and appreciation for food will increase and we will reap great benefits.
By sharing these experiences, I will be Growing With Food - with you.